четверг, 17 августа 2017 г.

Good morning! This is part of the series I experimented with ink on yupo. It kind of reminds me of a Rorschach or now that I look at it like the pelvic bone. Wow. Ive been wondering what this painting means to me for some time now. Just had a bit of an ✨aha✨ right here. Ive been doing so many hip openers since the summertime and its opened up my art and expression by 1,000 watts. My creative process actually got ignited one night at 3am when I was doing yin poses to release hip flexor pain....

Good morning! This is part of the series I experimented with ink on yupo. It kind of reminds me of a Rorschach or now that I look at it like the pelvic bone. Wow. Ive been wondering what this painting means to me for some time now. Just had a bit of an ✨aha✨ right here. Ive been doing so many hip openers since the summertime and its opened up my art and expression by 1,000 watts. My creative process actually got ignited one night at 3am when I was doing yin poses to release hip flexor pain....

Original article and pictures take https://instagram.com site

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